EFT Level 1 & 2
Workshop Description
EFT Level 1 & 2 Workshop Description
Learn the Art and Science of EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) in this EFT online workshop and join millions worldwide who are learning these life-changing techniques.
EFT, commonly referred to as Tapping and has gained rapid popularity because it has been demonstrated to effectively resolve dysfunctional feelings, thoughts, behaviors and beliefs which can lead to challenges in life.
After this interactive LIVE online workshop you will be able to implement this powerful mind-body approach which is supported by peer-reviewed research, drawing from the fields of interpersonal neurobiology, neuroplasticity models and the field of epigenetics.
If you are ready to transform your life and your vision of who you truly are, then come join me to learn EFT Tapping techniques. If your passionate about being of service to others, then EFT will quickly become your tool of choice. Whether you are curious about EFT for self-help or you are in the healing/helping professions, this training will give you confidence in the art of its delivery.
This workshop is designed for more one to one attention therefore space is limited. I highly recommend you reserve your spot ASAP.
Whether it’s for personal development or professional application, this workshop is the first step towards integrating tapping into your personal or professional practice. This workshop series is designed to give you all the necessary skills to get you started using EFT confidently and skillfully.
EFT LEVEL 1 The Basics
The preparation for the EFT Level 1 includes approximately 3 hours of advance work, including watching several short online videos and the reading of a few articles that explore both the history of EFT and the scientific premises for how EFT works. For this reason, registration will be closed 2 days prior to the event.
Day one and the pre-workshop material will cover EFT Level 1, The Basics and it is the foundation of any EFT training. It covers the core aspects of EFT with a focus on how you can use tapping as a self-help tool and how to teach your clients how to apply it as a self-regulating technique. You will be able to implement EFT for issues related to physical symptoms, cravings, addictions and more.
An outline of subject matter covered in this first day include:
• The Science Behind EFT
• Understanding Shifting Aspects
• The Importance of Being Specific
• Psychological Reversal & Secondary Gain
• Cognitive Belief Shifts
• How Traumatic Events Imprint on the Brain
• Finding the Right Words to Use
• An introduction to both Tell the Story and the Movie Techniques for working with traumatic events
• The Movie Technique
• Working with Pain and Physical Symptoms
• EFT for Cravings and Aspects of Addictions
Participants who take this program will be issued a Certificate of Attendance that they have completed EFT Level 1. This is the first step along the path to obtain Certified EFT Practitioner, however should not be put forth as a complete certification in of itself.
EFT LEVEL 2 Foundation Skills
Day two and three will cover the concepts of EFT Level 2. This part of the workshop is designed for those participants who have taken the pre-requisite EFT Level 1 and are either in practice or preparing to be and will be able to apply EFT when working with clients. This may include but not be limited to social workers, counselors, therapists, health care practitioners, life coaches and those who may be wishing to pursue EFT certification.
Level 2 reviews and expands upon the basic aspects of the Art and Science of EFT taught in the Level 1 course. Additional techniques are taught to expand your repertoire and offer skillful and effective ways of working with different client populations and expanding your ability to work with deeper issues. Of course, as in all T*E*A workshops, new material is presented using a variety of learning styles including partnered teaching methods, demonstrations, paired and small group experiential applications, video examples and more to ensure that no one walks away without fully understanding everything that is taught. Most importantly, this EFT Level 2 workshop will hone your practice skills because greater attention and time will be spent on personal observation to assist you in mastering the techniques.
An outline of subject matter covered days two and three include:
• The 3 Gentle Techniques for intense issues including Sneaking Up on the problem, Tearless Trauma and the somatic-emotional process of Chasing the Pain (Sensation)
• Understanding the Nature of and working with Traumatic Events
• Clearing Limiting Beliefs
• Questions for Uncovering Core Issues
• Core Issues and Physical Symptoms
• Working over the Telephone or Internet
• EFT in Groups
• Using EFT with Children
• Scope of Practice, Informed Consent and the EFT Ethics Code
The post workshop component includes 1 private 30 min one to one consult with me on zoom within the first 30 days after the workshop.
Participants who take this program will be issued a Certificate of Attendance that they have completed EFT Level 2. This is the second step along the path to obtain Certified EFT Practitioner however should not be put forth as a complete certification in of itself.
Cancellation Policy:
A complete refund, minus $100 administration fee, is given up to 1 week (7 days) prior to the workshop's start date. If cancellation occurs for any reason within the 1 week prior to the event, the student may apply the tuition paid towards any future EFT workshop, mentoring, or private sessions offered by Ilia Blandina.